Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
We are joined for the second of two episodes by James Courtney, the Founder of the food tech startup LUX.
Why is cash king in any business? How would you get the money to start any ideas you have.
What is a business accelerator and why it can speed you along the entrepreneurial journey?
What are the must-read books for anyone looking to start their own business today?
Find out all this and more in today's episode
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
In these times of massive change who better than to look to economists, past, present and future, to help understand where our economy is heading.
Author of the book 'The Great Economists. How their ideas can help us today'. It was The Times’s Best Business Books of the Year.
We talk about some controversial, some historic and some inspirational ideas to help guide our future. We discover how these influencers of the past can help our daily lives today.
Dr Linda Yueh is Fellow in Economics, St Edmund Hall, Oxford University and Adjunct Professor of Economics, London Business School. She is also a Visiting Professor at LSE IDEAS and a widely published author.
For more information please visit her website here: www.lindayueh.com
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Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Why does the gender investment gap exist?
We are joined by Ellie from This Girl Talks Money to discuss the gender investment gap and why it exists today.
How can we improve our investing knowledge? And how can we break the barriers for everyone to invest for their future?
Until the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975, it was still legal for banks to refuse women mortgages without a male guarantor.
In this podcast, we discuss the past, present and the future.
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Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Why would anyone put themselves through the pain, stress and worry of starting their own business? We find out in this podcast.
We are joined by James Courtney, the Founder of the food tech startup LUX. LUX is a points-based rewards scheme for the corporate dining sector and has raised over £82,000 worth of investment from over 130 Crowdcube investors, £20,000 from Just Eat and £66,000 from Angels Den.
James was named as one of ten 'entrepreneurs to watch' in 2017.
We take you from idea to business funding and give away the best advice for anyone looking to start their own business.
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Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
The Entrepreneurial Journey and the Best Productivity Hacks
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
An Entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds the plane on the way down.
Today we talk about the Entrepreneurial journey. Should you take the leap of faith?
We are joined by Sam Abrika the Founder of Cash Coach, who is gamifying saving for the second of our two episodes with him. He takes us on the entrepreneurial journey in today's episode.
We talk about the risks starting a business, the power of compound interest when both investing and when getting into debt and we give away some of our best productivity hacks that you can apply today.
Listen to this episode today
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
What can we do about the climate emergency?
How can the individual, the person on the street with a pound coin from their back pocket help change things for the better? We are joined by Richard Burrett, Chief Sustainability Officer at Earth Capital and Fellow of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership to discuss this relevant topic.
We watch the Amazon and Australia forests burn on our television sets and can often feel like there is nothing we can do about the environmental emergency.
Today's economic indicators (GDP) measures everything except what makes life worthwhile. We need a new measure as if people mattered. How can we move to a more meaningful indicator than our current choice?
What simple steps can we take to improve the environment?
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Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Is the Truth Our Most Precious Asset?
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
It's not money or time that is our greatest asset but the truth
Today we are joined by an aspiring actor who has been in films like Spiderman and the Fast and Furious. Sorry about the sound quality but there are some gems of knowledge in this episode.
We have an honest conversation about passions, regrets and how we would spend our last days.
This Podcast is not owned by shareholders, venture capitalists or corporations, giving us the freedom to talk about what we want and this episode is about the truth.
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Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Saving Sucks! How to Save Money Without it Sucking
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Getting ahead financially isn't always easy. Let's face it, Saving Sucks! Although it's often just watching the small things. Today we are joined by the founder of Cash Coach a new gaming App. In the UK 11.5 million people have less than £100 in savings or investments. This is often not our fault as we are bombarded my 100s of adverts each day all appealing to our human emotions. Today many people waste big money on small things. In today's podcast, we look for solutions for this modern problem.
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Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the roots
Educating and empowering better investing.
Giving you the best tool, techniques and money tips to put you back in charge of your finances.
The host of the Millennial Money Mindset podcast Neil Doig is the author of the book Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the root, which was shortlisted for the Financial Times writing prize in 2018.
Neil Doig interviews some of the best financial experts, authors and entrepreneurs to give you the best knowledge and information to improve your finances, savings and investing
Listen today!