Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
World in Crisis!
7 Crisis We Face NOW and How to Survive and Thrive as the World heads into Crisis.
Money worries are the UK’s biggest cause of stress and worry today. (according to the latest research by the Office of National Statistics).
Rising inflation, expensive housing and changes to pension law mean you now need to manage your financial future.
We have busier lives than ever and it seems we never get enough time to spend with friends, family or simply having more ‘me’ time.
Today it has never been easier, cheaper and quicker to invest your money and protect your hard earnt cash against inflation and market crashes.
You don’t need to spend hours watching the markets, analysing companies or need to be rich to invest. Millennial Money Mindset: Financial Independence and Retire Early, Investing and Personal Finance.
Educating and inspiring better investing. Getting your money working harder through education, experience and better knowledge about investing. Invest your money by learning about personal finances, the stock market, tax incentives, increasing saving and getting more for your money.
Millennial Money Mindset was the Financial Times shortlisted book written by Neil Doig. Millennial Money Mindset was also a best selling book on Amazon.
listen now
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Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Meaningful Money with Pete Matthew (Episode 2 of 2)
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Millennial Money Mindset reaches 50 podcast episodes.
To celebrate we are joined for the second time by Pete Matthew.
Pete's podcast Meaningful Money has been downloaded over 5 million times. Pete is also an author, YouTuber and Chartered Financial Planner.
In this episode we talk about the biggest mistake people make with their money and investing.
Pete reveals his own favourite investing mistakes and some money tips on how to avoid making the same mistakes with your own finances.
We discuss our favourite books and which have had the biggest impact on our finances and thinking around work and business.
All this and more in this special episode of Millennial Money Mindset
Listen today as this episode is packed filled with value
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Can You Beat the Market? Pete Matthew Podcaster and Personal Finance Expert
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Is it possible to beat the market and if so how?
We explore this question and much more in this interview with Pete Matthew, who is the podcaster, author of Meaningful Money and is also a Chartered Financial Planner.
Pete Matthew's podcast Meaningful Money has been downloaded over 5 million times!
He is the UK leading authority on personal finance. He shares his experience in this Millennial Money Mindset podcast episode.
What are Pete's three uses of money? What makes life meaningful? How did Pete start his Meaningful Money Journey? He reveals all this and more in this two-part podcast episode.
This is the final interview of season 4 of the podcast.
I have saved the best for last.
Be sure to listen to this episode as it's packed full of value!
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Getting a Money Coach for your Investing Adventure
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Money is part of everyday life and yet we are not taught how to use this important tool.
Money worries top a poll as the biggest cause of stress and worry today.
25 million people in the UK are stressed and worried about money (according to the Office of National Statistics).
Getting nothing in interest from a bank, expensive financial adviser fees and 100s of confusing investing products to choose from.
Could there be a better way to reach financial independence?
A money coach offers a new and unique solution to get money confidence, discover your investing inner conflicts and reach financial joy.
In this Millennial Money Mindset episode, we are joined by Fanny Snaith who is a money coach.
We talk about how a money coach reveals your money story, the psychology of why and your beliefs about money.
This episode is a special extended podcast as it is packed with value.
Listen today!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Death! Die Well to Live Well. Facing Today’s Top Taboo
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Everyone you know and love will die, as will you!
This is a scary thought. Death is today’s top taboos topic.
One survey revealed that almost 18 million people are uncomfortable talking about death
In this podcast, we are joined by Fatima Ait Moulid the founder of Kwaetus, which is a digital platform aiming to Improve life's definite final adventure; giving you the platform to tell your story.
In this episode, we explore the importance of talking and preparing for death.
Bringing death from the shadows means you can celebrate life.
Remembering you will die gives you a reason to live.
How can you prepare for the inevitable? What do you need in place to reduce your stress and worry?
Learn to die well so you can live well.
Listen to one of the most important episodes today!
“Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life'
Steve Jobs
Listen to this important topic today!
For more information about Kwaetus go to their website here
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Where is the Economy Heading in 2022? Special Podcast Episode
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
We have made it through the deepest darkest recession on record.
Where are we heading in 2022?
Covid, Brexit, Inflation. Will these still be a threat?
Where are the biggest opportunities in 2022?
Where are we in the business cycle?
Have we made it out of the winter of recession, are we in spring of recovery and how far away is summer of prosperity?
Listen to this special episode as I give away loads of value!
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Trading the Markets and Building a Property Empire
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Trading the Markets and Building a Property Empire
In this episode of the Millennial Money Mindset podcast we are joined for the second time by Rob Smith the Founder of Lust For Life Coaching.
Rob is a former gas trader who shares his experiences trading the Commodity markets.
Rob talks about the highs and lows of trading the markets. He reveals how in one year he made £125 million as part of a team trading the commodity markets. He talks about how he lost £10 million in one day when a storage unit caught fire.
Rob has also built a property empire with over 30 properties including a retirement village and talks about his experiences buying property just after the financial crash in 2008.
Rob gives away loads of practical guidance in this episode for anyone who wants to trade the markets or get into property.
Listen today
Listen today to the second of a two-part episode with Rob Smith!
To speak to Rob about coaching or to find out more then here is his website https://www.lustforlifecoaching.co.uk/
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Mental Health, Mindset and Meditation: Why Well Being is so Important!
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
In this episode, we discuss mental health, mindset and meditation.
We are living through a global pandemic, a global financial recession and an increasing mental health crisis.
In this episode of Millennial Money Mindset we are joined by Rob Smith who is the Founder of Lust for Life Coaching.
Rob helps people improve their well being and mental health through coaching positive living.
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England (according to the charity Mind).
Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country. In 2019 there were 5,691 registered deaths by suicide in England and Wales (according to the Office of National Statistics).
Improving people's mental health and mental well being is a way to prevent these deaths and to help people live better.
We discuss how to live well through goals, meditation. and finding your lust for life
Listen today to the first in a two-part episode with Rob Smith!
To speak to Rob about coaching or to find out more then here is his website https://www.lustforlifecoaching.co.uk/
Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the roots
Educating and empowering better investing.
Giving you the best tool, techniques and money tips to put you back in charge of your finances.
The host of the Millennial Money Mindset podcast Neil Doig is the author of the book Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the root, which was shortlisted for the Financial Times writing prize in 2018.
Neil Doig interviews some of the best financial experts, authors and entrepreneurs to give you the best knowledge and information to improve your finances, savings and investing
Listen today!